Thursday, July 12, 2012

System Programming Languages

Or, more specifically for me, languages I'd consider using to implement Suneido. Here are some opinionated thoughts on C++, Java, Scala, Xtend, D, and Go.

First, I want garbage collection. Other than for things like constrained devices, as far as I'm concerned garbage collection has won.

For me, that's a major drawback to C++. So I wrote my own garbage collector for C++ which we used for a number of years. Eventually I replaced it with the Boehm garbage collector which has worked quite well, given the limitations of conservative garbage collection.

The last few years I've been using Java which gave me great garbage collection and one of the best virtual machines out there.

The big advantage to Java is the rich ecosystem. You have multiple choices for great IDE's (e.g. Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ) with good refactoring support, lots of tools like JConsole and Visual VM, good libraries, both standard and third party (e.g. Guava and Asm), and tons of books and other sources of information.

On the other hand, the Java language itself is nothing to get excited about. Lately I've been looking at Xtend and Scala. Xtend is fairly modest, it's basically a better Java. See my First Impressions of Xtend

Scala is much more ambitious. It has some great features. The claim is that the language is simpler than Java. But I'm more than a little scared of the type system. Although it's that type system that allows some of the great features. Scala strikes me a bit like C++, you can do some amazing things, but it can also get pretty twisted.

I'd be more tempted by Scala, but as system programming languages, JVM language all have a major drawback - you can't write efficient low level code. Don't get me wrong, I have no desire to write "unsafe" code. I don't want to go back to my C and C++ days. Java has primitive (non-heap) types, but they don't work with generic code (without boxing onto the heap). I'd like to have "value" types (e.g. a pair of ints) that I could pass and return by value (not on the heap) and embed (not reference) in other data structures. Scala tries to unify primitives with the other types, but ultimately it comes down to the JVM, and there's still a lot of boxing going on.

Also, Java is primarily in the locks and shared state style of concurrency, a style whose drawbacks are well known. Scala is better on this front with its actor system, which admittedly is also possible from Java.

What else is out there? C# is a possibility, but I have to say I'm leary about Microsoft products. And portability means Mono, which is another question mark in my mind.

Recently I've been rereading the D book by Andrei Alexandrescu (also author of Modern C++). You can get a taste of his writing style in The Case for D. In some respects the D language could be called a better C++. But it has gone beyond that and has some very attractive features. It has value types as well as reference types. You can write efficient code like C++, but still make it safe.

D has garbage collection, although I suspect (with no evidence) that it's not as good as the JVM. Of course, part of the reason so much effort has gone into JVM garbage collection is that everything has to go on the heap. That doesn't apply quite so much in D (depending on the style of your code).

One of the features I really like about D is its support for immutability and pure functions. My feeling is that these are really important, especially for concurrent code. You can, of course, write immutable data structures and pure functions in any language, but D actually lets you enforce them. Unlike C++ const or Java final, D's immutable and pure are "deep". Making an array final in Java doesn't stop you from modifying the contents of the array. Making an array immutable in D does.

One minor disappointment is that D still requires semicolons. I think languages like Scala and Go have shown that it's quite feasible to skip the semicolons. But I could live with this.

I'm not against virtual machines like the JVM or CLR. But they have their drawbacks, especially for deployment. Ensuring that customers have the right version of .Net is bad enough and that's a Microsoft product on a Microsoft platform. We can require our customers install Java, but when they don't update it and there's a security hole, guess who they will blame? One of Suneido's main features is that it is self contained and easy to deploy. Requiring another runtime underneath it is not ideal. So D and Go generating native apps is attractive in this respect.

Another advantage to D is that (I think) it would allow accessing the Win32 API so Suneido's current user interface would still work. (albeit still only on Windows.)

Yet another possibility is Google's Go language. Personally I find it a little quirky. It's got some good features, but it's also missing things that I like (e.g. type safe containers). I'm currently reading Programming in Go but I'm finding it somewhat dry.  I find it a lot easier to learn about a language from a well written book. I didn't really get interested in D until the book came out. And books got me interested in C and C++ and Scala.

One of the things discouraging me from Scala and D and Go is the lack of IDE support. That's gradually improving, but things like refactoring are still pretty limited. I programmed for years with just an editor, but once you get accustomed to a good IDE with refactoring support, it's hard to go back. To me, one of the big advantages of a statically typed language is that it allows great tooling. Unfortunately, Java seems to have a big lead in this area.

Currently, if I was to consider another language for implementing something like Suneido, I think I'd lean towards D.

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